Rockefeller Capital Management Recognized as a Patron of the Arts at
New York Foundation for the Arts 2024 Hall of Fame Benefit
New York, April 8, 2024
Rockefeller Capital Management is pleased to have been recognized by the national nonprofit arts organization, New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), as a Patron of the Arts at its 2024 Hall of Fame Benefit. NYFA established its annual Hall of Fame in 2011 in recognition of the artists it supported in their early years – who have since gone on to have extraordinary careers – and the generous patrons who helped them do so.
The Rockefeller family’s involvement with the arts and arts education dates back over a century. The partnership between Rockefeller Capital Management and NYFA continues a tradition inspired by Board Member David Rockefeller, Jr. and a legacy of support for the creative community by providing critical support, resources, and opportunities for artists and art organizations.
Rockefeller Capital Management’s New York City headquarters in 45 Rockefeller Plaza currently houses its third exhibition in partnership with NYFA titled “A Space of Fantasy.” The exhibition consists of 37 pieces from 8 NYFA affiliated artists who have crafted fantastical worlds, pushing the boundaries of reality. In their works, the New York-based artists suggest a realm of limitless possibilities, where ordinary rules and constraints no longer apply, allowing one to escape into a world of make-believe and wonder.
“The power of art is transformative,” said Chief Executive Officer Gregory Fleming. “Rockefeller Capital Management is proud to support New York Foundation and the organization’s important work empowering the creative community.”