Thematic Platform

Seeking to capitalize on megatrends that have the potential to outperform the broader market.

Three Potential Tailwinds for Thematic Investors

Impacts of Climate are Intensifying

The Path to Net Zero Requires Significant Investments

Supportive Policy

Impacts of Climate are Intensifying

The last eight years have been the eight warmest on record, and the world’s greenhouse gas concentrations continue to build higher and higher, reducing the world’s carbon budget.

The Path to Net Zero Requires Significant Investments

The decarbonization pathway will require an investment estimated at $275 trillion through 2050. The matter has become more urgent now, as the investment in decarbonization needs to ramp up by a factor of 2x on an annual basis in order for these goals to be achieved.

Supportive Policy

With the passage of The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which is slated to drive extraordinary investment through its $370 billion of incentives, the US has taken a leadership role in decarbonization. This has prompted other countries around the world to implement their own incentives to drive renewable investment within their borders.

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